Stanley, Virginia – WWTP

Stanley, Virginia WWTP - Rotary Fan Press

From Sludge Struggles to Seamless Solids: The Transformation of Stanley’s WWTP with the Prime Rotary Fan Press®

The Challenge: Keeping up with sludge processing was a challenge with drying beds that were labor intensive and weather dependent

Stanley, Virginia WWTP was using drying beds to thicken the residential sewage it processed. The beds were labor intensive year round. Since the beds were weather dependent, it was challenging to maintain a routine schedule and keep up with sludge processing.

The Need: Stanley, Virginia needed a dewatering solution that produced reasonable cake solids and was easy to operate

The City of Stanley, Virginia needed a dewatering system that was easy to operate and would allow them to dry solids more quickly and efficiently in any weather conditions.

The Result: The Prime Rotary Fan Press® prevented solids backup, reduced labor and increased solids content

The City of Stanley, Virginia narrowed their dewatering options to two systems: a belt press and the Prime Rotary Fan Press®. They selected the 36” Dual Rotary Fan Press since it was easier to use, had higher solids content and was less expensive.

The Prime Rotary Fan Press® helped the City of Stanley save money by helping to prevent backup since it was not weather-sensitive, reduce labor and increase solids content. It achieves 20 percent solids and one man can easily operate the system. Forrest Attwood, Superintendent of City of Stanley, WWTP, said, “The touch screen operator interface is easy to use and understand. The machine runs itself, you turn it on and that’s it. What I like about it the most is that it’s trouble free.”

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